Speak friend and enter
Hello and welcome! I’m S.D. Grimm, but you can call me Sarah. I’m a weaver of tales, smith of words, and nurturer of dreams. I write stories that are magical, mythical, and a little grim, because let’s be real: every fairy tale has a dark side, which makes the light at the end—hope—shine that much brighter.
I try to carry that bright hope into everything I do. So I’ve dedicated my little slice of the web to sharing from one creative soul to another, be it stories, encouragement, tips, or sneak peeks into my upcoming projects. Feel free to pull up a comfy seat, grab a spot of tea, scratch a dog behind the ears, dream those big dreams, and stay for a while. I’m so glad you’re here.
“What if I fall?
Oh, but, my darling, what if you fly?”
cover Reveal!
Is it too much to say this is Phoenix Fire (Sarah’s Version)? Because I’m re-releasing this beloved story of mine back into the wild with a publishing platform that will finally give me the opportunity to write the rest of the trilogy! Do you know how long this story has been in my head? I am so thankful and so THRILLED to finally get to give you the rest of the story.
A little something for you
Eighteen-year-old Claire Summers has a rare talent she must keep secret: she’s a Breather—able to see people’s memories when she touches what they’ve touched.
. . . When Claire stumbles across a friend in danger, she’ll do anything to help get him safe, but knowing too much about the wrong person puts her and those she loves in even more danger.
If she’s to keep herself from becoming captured by the people who will force her to use her power for their own gain, she’s going to have to flip the tables and go from hunted to huntress.
dear reader,
i’m often asked the question: when did you know you wanted to be a writer? the answer for me, as natural as professor snape casting a doe for a patronus, is simply “always.” i wasn’t born with ink in my physical veins, but in my ethereal “heart,” ink pumps Through me as alive and rejuvenating as blood does a body. see, i was born a dreamer, as most readers are. in tHat way, i’m just like you. i understAnd the ability to have a very real adveNture while i sit by a fire with a cozy sweatshirt and cup of forgotten tea—booK in hand. i experience lifetimes vicariouslY through characters who appear more real than wOrds printed on a page.
when stephen king called books “a Uniquely portable magic,” reaDers everywhere felt the very rEal understanding of these words. becAuse when Readers see a book, we “see” moRe than paper and ink. more than lEtters and A finite space between the folDs of a covEr. we see, expeRience, and Feel a realness that surpasses what a story make look like physically—we “see” story in its truest sense.
stOry is a place you can connect. a place you can get lost. a place you can visit and feel and expeRience, Believe, dream (and even cReate). It’s a thiNg you can be a part of, even when your name isn’t in the paGes. that’s because storIes have a way of meetiNg us on a soul level.
and the one thinG I’d like you to “hear” today, dear reader, is that you give to story as Much as it gives back to You. because without uS—wiThout readers—a written stOry cannot become whole. alone, it’s a book. it’s papeR. It’s words and ink. a finite objEct. but with a reader, Stories come to life. They reach into the metaphysical parts of us tO become whole. reaL. experIenceable.
that’s why these words to anna nalick’s song “breathe” hit me so deeply: “2 a.m. and i’m still awake, writing a song. if I get it all down on paper it’s no longer inside of me, threatening the life it belongs to. and i feel like i’m naked in front of a crowd, cause these words are my diary screaming out loud, and i know that you’ll use them however you want to.”
not only do these lyrics express precisely what it means to “own” something you’ve read—because you had your own experience—uniquely yours—while reading it—but it also shows how vulnerable a creative soul must be to hold out their shaking hands and share the works of art bubbling and bursting inside of them with others.
but stories need liFe. they need you to read them, or else why write thEm?
so it is for you that i write, dear reader. thank you for making my stories whole.

If you hang around here long enough, you’ll get to know that I love all kinds of geeky things like comic books and superheroes. One of the things I love about Captain America in the Marvel movies is how, when he really believes in something—even when it seems like he’s defeated—he gets back up. He doesn’t stay down. He has this power of persistence that makes him take every hit and shake it off and stand up again and say “I can do this all day.” I won’t give up.
He’s not only standing up for something he feels morally right, but he’s also trying to follow a dream that will help him in that passion. We can understand that mindset, can’t we? Not that it makes it easy. But we know what it’s like to be passionate about something and to have a dream that connects with that passion. Something we are pursuing with our whole hearts. And yet sometimes we may feel that the punches we keep taking (I’m talking figuratively) might actually knock our dreams out cold someday. Maybe you’re already there.
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“Oh, I can hear ‘em singing ‘Keep on dreaming even if it breaks your heart’
Some dreams stay with you forever
Drag you around and bring you back to where you were
Some dreams keep on getting better
You gotta keep believing if you wanna know for sure”